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Cancel Your Timeshare Contract and End Your Timeshare Obligations Forever, Even if You Have a Mortgage!

Our Law Firm specializes in timeshare exit, cancellation, and relief for embattled timeshare owners no longer interested in paying the ever-escalating fees that are associated with timeshare ownership. 

Our Legal Firm is a consumer advocacy firm that specializes in protecting individuals from misleading and predatory timeshare practices. Our Legal offices have obtained timeshare exits for thousands of timeshare owners from all over the world

In today’s economy, many timeshare owners are finding that they are burdened by the financial commitments that are part and parcel of timeshare ownership.

Our law firms which create the transfer deeds, records, and transfers title to your timeshare is dedicated to consumer protection. They have specialized in real estate matters for more than forty years with a concentration on timeshare law, their firm has a unique understanding of the pitfalls of timeshare ownership and what is essentially a non - existent secondary market of timeshare resales. 

We have heard countless stories from our clients about sales practices that involve a variety of enticements in order to make a timeshare sale.  Complimentary cruises, free vacations, gifts of designer luggage or the latest iPad.  And for this, each was asked to sit through an hour-long presentation that turned in to an all-day sales pitch, filled with high-pressure sales delivery while trapped in a small room.  The hardcore sales delivery was followed by rapid-fire signings of mountains of “closing” documentation as the salesman explained very little of what each piece of paper contained. It is customary for us to hear from our clients’ an awakening of sorts when the reality of the first bill comes in the mail. 

In addition to high-pressure sales tactics,  we frequently hear the frustration in trying to book vacations, with peak rooms and times unavailable for years or there were simply not enough points to make the desired reservation.

We understand that there is a very high probability that the timeshare developer is exposed legally in ways that are relatively straightforward and provable.  This is where the choice to hire experienced, competent counsel comes into play. 

 We have helped pioneer the field of timeshare exit and cancellation. 



There are a number of avenues available to consumers interested in relief from the heavy burden a timeshare obligation can bring.    Your first attempt should always be to call your timeshare to see if they have a program available to you.  Should that fail, we have a group of experienced Timeshare experts best bet when it comes to Timeshare Exit.

Our staff with the knowledge of our law firms are experienced in this field can offer you protection from debt collectors and litigation.

When it comes to protection from debt collectors, our licensed attorney can provide the legal representation necessary to prohibit the harassing and incessant debt collection phone calls that are part of any debt cancellation work.  

 “…Unlike most timeshare exit companies, we consider ourselves counselors not salespeople. We are not here to sell you anything! Just help you exit your timeshare.


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To gain more information about timeshare exit and relief, visit the rest of our web site or feel free to

contact us at 760-641-7747

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